Thursday, August 20, 2009

Looking back on the 20th

The 20th of each month will always be remembered. In 2010, July 20th will mark an anniversary. As of today, August 20th marks our first month anniversary. One month ago I was handed a very unhappy, little girl. I, of course, was thrilled, humbled, sad and happy all at the same time. But our baby K was angry, terrified, screaming, crying, and generally very confused about it all. I held her, held her for about 40 minutes. 40 minutes of arched rigid back, howling, mad at the world, beautiful bewildered baby girl. I remember feeling so sad for her. She was being taken away from everything she knew, loved and was comfortable with. I also remember feeling so proud. So proud that she could scream so loud, so long and be so upset about her new situation. It told us alot about her, in those 40 minutes. I eventually passed her off to her new daddy. Should have done this alot sooner. She settled with him. I don't know if it was because he was so not female or that her protest of it all was winding down. This picture below is of her on the bus ride back to the hotel.

After all the turmoil of the morning it was time to sleep it off.


We sang songs to her the whole way back. I hope our travel companions were so involved with their new beautiful babies that they didn't take notice of our wondrous singing voices.

Today, K is happy and loves to discover new things, especially food! She sings and dances. She plays with her older sister and the one cat of ours that will let her. She signs to us when she wants "up" and "more" and she is quick to remember what not to touch by a
simple "no, no". She loves being outdoors and feels a responsibility to pick up every leaf that has fallen from our trees. The Fall season should be a blast around here!

" I love what falls from the trees!"

She takes one 2 hour nap in the mor
ning and sleeps about 12 hours at night. She only gets her night bottle now and has graduated to a sippy cup during the day. No baby food here either! She will eat whatever we are having for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Doesn't care too much for cold items unless, of course, it is ice cream! She still has moments of fear. when it is just her and I home alone she doesn't like it if I walk away from her. New noises are frightening the first time she hears them. After she sees that we don't react she is okay. Bath times can be fun unless you mess with the hair. DON'T MESS WITH THE HAIR!

Sometimes you just have to!

Can't wait to see what new changes the coming 20th's will bring.

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