Saturday, August 8, 2009

Home, a little late.

I'm a little late in posting that we are home! We walked through our front door last Saturday and our house never looked so good. We all hit our beds and everyone slept through the night!
K did so well on the long flights.

K taking advantage of the bassinets provided by Continental Airlines.

Mom taking advantage of the Newark Airport floor - waiting for our connecting flight.

And yes, I did fall completely asleep on the filthy airport floor and truthfully, it didn't bother me one bit. After all, I had already been on a plane for 15 hours with baby spit up on me and all.

We are just happy to be home (did I say that already) and settling in. K is getting more and more comfortable with her new surroundings. At first she was frightened of everything, even grass. Wouldn't walk on it. But she happily runs around the backyard now. The first couple of days she was major velcro baby with me. Would fuss and cry if she wasn't touching me at all times. This has seemed to settle with her switching back and forth between me and her daddy. I can now go to the bathroom without her hanging on to me. Oh joy! To pee in peace!

M is adjusting to her new little sister also. At first she was hurt that K didn't take to her right away but that has changed now. K has no problem including M in her hair pulling and body slamming playtimes. To give her (and me) a break,
M and I had a date and went to the zoo, just the two of us.

M wanted to stay the whole day feeding this little bird.

But then remembered that there was other things to do at the zoo too.

Like fly in this bird plane.

Not me, you won't get me on another plane anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. I want to second that last comment! The thought of a plane ride makes me want to cry.
