Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello Everyone! So sorry its been awhile since we were able to last blog. We are in Guangzhou now and as I type I'm watching a thunderstorm roll in. Weather is still hot but manageable here due to the breeze from the water surrounding this little island. The pace is slower than Beijing and Changsha. Not as many bicycles or scooters. The past few days have been hard. Captains back went out from a combination of the hard Changsha bed, holding our little squirmy girl and sitting while doing paperwork. He has gone twice to the local Changsha hospital, a experience that he doesn't want to repeat. His sciatica is being managed by lots of pain meds and we hope to get home without it getting worse.

Tomorrow K gets her medical exam and then its just exploring this island a bit more. Sorry we can't post pictures yet. Still having internet troubles.

K is doing well, eats alot... really alot and has become velcro baby to me. Trying to go to the bathroom by myself is an experience. Our room here at the Victory Annex has a long curved hall within it. We hold crawling races but K cheats by standing up and walking midway. Yes, she is up and cruising as much as possible.

Ths storm now is building up so I will try to post later. Don't want to lose this post if power goes out.


  1. Glad to hear you are improved from the trying times in Changsha. We are in PA (Sat & Sun) with return to Hilliard Sun eve. Hope you can enjoy more of the China scene during your stay in Guangzhou. Love from H&L

  2. Thanks for posting about all of this. The races in the hotel room with K sound like so much fun. so sorry to hear about Captain's back. Hope he feels better soon. Riley and I check your blog everday. it is exciting to read about you on the other side of the world. Let D know that M is welcome anytime to play. Lots of good thoughts and prayers headed your way from the D home! Can't wait for you all to be back in Ohio! (But we promise we won't bother you until you are ready)
    I will make you that veggie pot pie when you get back - just in case you are missing home
    cookin in Ohio. I cold keep rambling but will stop here and wish you well,
